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  • Student-Teacher-Parent Compact
We the People

Effective schools are a result of families and school personnel working together to insure that children are successful in school.

The Students Will Be Responsible For:

  1. Showing respect and cooperating with all adults in the school;
  2. Coming to class on time and prepared work;
  3. Respecting the rights of others to learn without distraction and disruption;
  4. Showing respect for people and property by not using profanity, stealing or vandalizing;
  5. Abiding by the Zero Tolerance Contract and school rules;
  6. Completing all assignments to the best of my ability;
  7. Spending the time at home to study and read daily.

The Teacher Will Be Responsible For:

  1. Establishing clear classroom expectation;
  2. Providing every student and parent a copy of the class syllabus (including expectations, instructional goals, grading system and study skills calendar);
  3. Providing a strong curriculum, that encourages problem solving and risk-taking;
  4. Providing a safe and positive learning environment for students;
  5. Explaining the conduct code to students and parents;
  6. Contacting parents as needs arise concerning behavior and/or academic progress;
  7. Supplying clear evaluations of student progress and achievement to both students and parents.
  8. Participating in home visits and monthly community meetings;
  9. Receiving training in strategies to effective communicate with parents.

The Parent Will Be Responsible For:

  1. Seeing that the student is punctual and attends school regularly and notifying the school of absences and tardies in the appropriate time frame;
  2. Supporting the school in maintaining proper discipline;
  3. Attending school events, including Back-To-School Night, open house and other school functions;
  4. Responding promptly to communications sent home by the school that requires a parent signature.
  5. Providing a quiet place and time each day for study without distractions (television, stereo etc.);
  6. Helping the student to meet his her needs;
  7. Helping the student understand an education only comes with hard work and dedication.
  8. Participating in district opportunities for parent training;
  9. Supporting all elements of the district Parent Involvement policy.  (Board Policy 602)
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